How To Start A Manifestation Journal
A manifestation journal is where you write your positive thoughts, dreams, goals, and plans, that you want to manifest. In a manifestation journal, you might also use other law of attraction techniques to help you stick to your goals and manifest your dreams.
Prepare Your Environment.
It’s often helpful to make sure your in an environment that’s quiet without distraction. You want your ideas to come to you freely and effortlessly. It’s often helpful to close your eyes, meditate or practice yoga before you start writing in your journal.
Choose To Write Freely
Writing freely to clear your mind and to gather your thoughts together is important. This page can always be tossed if need be, so clear your mind and write what comes to mind. Writing your dreams, goals etc. A recent study at the Dominican University in California, suggested we are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if we write them down.
Write down what you are grateful for. This sets the mood and helps to elevate your emotions. Elevated emotions are an essential piece of the puzzle when manifesting. It’s beneficial to write down 3- 5 things you are grateful for in your life. Some good examples are, fun trips you have taken, family or pets, great life experiences, and the opportunity to manifest your life.
This is an example.
I am so grateful for:
Loving family and pets
My fun family vacation to ____.
The opportunity to manifest what I want ( that’s my personal favorite).
Choose What To Write About
Now choose a goal, plan or dream you want to see happen. Choose something that is important to you. Make sure you have a time frame you want to manifest your goal or desire. Make sure you know where you want your manifestation to come from. A good example of this would be, manifesting money, you want to know the source of where you want the money to come from.
Write Down Your Why?
Why is your goal or desire important to you? You want to spend a little time writing about your ” Why”.
Why is your goal or desire important to you? What’s the most important thing about your goal or desire? What will achieving your goal or desire provide you? How does this achievement make you feel? Does achieving this help you work towards achieving other goals? How does this achievement make you feel?
Write Down Your Goal Or Desire.
Write it down your intention clearly using words that indicate it’s already happened. Write it down in a short sentence. Start it off with a thank you to the universe. Use words like, i am grateful or thankful for. Your goal or desire needs to be meaningful to you and have a time frame. If you want to earn 10,000 a month, then your goal should look like this. ” I am thankful, for earning $10,000 a month from my job this year”. If it concerns losing weight, “I am grateful for, losing 4 pounds a month this year”. If your looking for some weight loss motivation and want to actually turn those unwanted pounds into cash. Why not get paid to loose weight.
I have earned almost 500.00 by losing weight and it’s an amazing feeling! Healthy Wage helped me do just that! Why not manifest weight loss and money at the same time. It’s a Win WIn!
How Many Times To Write Your Desire.
I find the 55×5 manifestation journal formula works the best. You write your desire down 55 times and do this for 5 days straight. Doing this daily while thinking about your goal. Focus on how you feel and bring in elevated emotions like gratitude, joy, happiness and love. All these emotions are important for you to feel while writing in your manifestation journal.
Now All You Have To Do Is Let It Go.
Trust in the divine and all the positive energy you have put into your manifestation.